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How to treat diabetes naturally

What is naturopathy : Naturopathy believes in treating health issues without any kind of medicine. It includes nutrition, yoga, acupressure, massage therapy and lifestyle changes. Why naturopathy for diabetes : Diabetes mostly causes because of stress, genetic issues or poor and overeating habits. As Naturopathy find the root cause first and changes them with good alternatives naturopathy is recommended.   Here I am sharing some naturopathy solutions that may help in treating diabetes. Diabetes comes when blood sugar level rises as insulin is not able to convert glucose to energy. Naturopathy Practitioner first analyze the root cause like genetic , environmental and behavioral or lifestyle factors then educate  the patient regarding the solutions like nutrition, healing, yoga, acupressure, biofeedback, physiotherapy and lifestyle changes.  Diabetes mainly have two types and most of the people have type2 kind of diabetes which can easily be treated. given below the description about bot
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Simple ways to relieve from lower back pain

 1. Never Sleep On Back :  Yes, you heard it right . You should stop sleeping flat (on back) because the shape of our backbone is not naturally flat .  2. Twist your back : Never allow your back to be frozen . Sitting in a chair continuously more than 2 hours is dangerous . Even it is urgent , stand-up on the same place twist upper body right and left .  3. Push ups: Yes , push-ups warms up our back and gives us instant relief you may also apply any ointment and push-ups to make that work more effectively . 4. Massage: I believe massage for the lower back is must . If it is not possible daily you may do weekly . Better to apply olive oil or thik castor oil to massage. 5. Yoga: Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) - we need to bend on stomach and with the help of both hands stretch the face with neck upper and behind .  Gokhruasana (twist)- we need to sit , fold one leg and twist the back by looking at opposite directions.  6. Never bend to front: Yes , strictly avoid bending to the front.  If any